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Staff and organisation.

The focus on the transport of high-quality foods asks a lot from our drivers. Especially if platooning really takes off, the work of a driver will hardly consist of driving well and safely from A to B anymore, the focus will be much more on loading and unloading. In our market, this requires extensive and specific knowledge of the drivers, or will we call them 'operators' by then?

Platooning is the future.

Platooning is a relatively new concept and means that vehicles drive cooperatively at a short distance from each other (less than 1 second) based on the technology of automated (autonomous) driving. Many of our trucks are already equipped with safety systems that support drivers in driving safely. We now have several trucks equipped with the 1st generation platooning systems.

Training and education.

As an (inter)national transport company, we spend a lot of time and energy educating and training our drivers. E-learning courses have been set up, coaches appointed and driving courses organised. In the future, we expect to use virtual training. The safety of the men along the road is our top priority.

To cope with growth and natural staff turnover, it is necessary to recruit quality people and quickly familiarise them with the working procedures, customer instructions and colleagues. A great deal of attention is therefore paid to the introduction of new staff, for which a digital 'onboarding module' has now been developed.

Automation and information provision.

The world is changing at a rapid pace and automation brings information provision to an ever-higher level. Whereas communication used to take place by phone, telex and fax, orders are now sent to Albert Keijzer completely digitally. But digital communication is not limited to receiving data, customers also want to receive information about transports digitally from the hauliers. More and more information that people want to receive faster. This requires systems that support the organisation in this process. Albert Keijzer invests heavily in the development of these automated systems to be ahead of the game in this area as well, and to inform their own organisation and clients using dashboards that provide real-time, relevant and easy-to-read information.


bedrijfsfilm 100 jaar Albert Keijzer
Know more about Albert Keijzer Transport?
Watch here our jubilee movie about our 100th anniversary.