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Would you like to receive a rate for a domestic or international transport?

Albert Keijzer is specialized in the domestic and international bulk transport of raw materials, semi-finished goods and finished goods, primarily food grade (both dry bulk and liquid bulk). Furthermore we can serve you with volume transport. We operate a fleet of about 140 modern trucks and over 250 dry bulk and tanktrailers. Read more about tanktransport of liquid food productsdry bulk transport or container transport. You can read more about our other logistic services here.

We also provide transports of food grade ADR goods.

Albert Keijzer always delivers custom-made service. As a logistic expert we provide transport services for food grade products, both dry bulk and liquid bulk. Products that we transport are, among others, sugar, cocoa powder, cocoa butter and mass, liquid chocolate, vegetable oils, fats and sweeteners.

We also provide transports of food grade ADR goods, like alcohol, natural acids and potassium carbonate to numerous customers.

Would you like to receive a rate for a domestic or international transport? Please complete the following form and you will receive a quotation as soon as possible. Do you have any question or remark, please contact us.

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bedrijfsfilm 100 jaar Albert Keijzer
Know more about Albert Keijzer Transport?
Watch here our jubilee movie about our 100th anniversary.